Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Young the Giant

Last week I had the opportunity to see Young the Giant perform. 
Not a mistake
Never a mistake.
Got that?

It was the first concert I've been to in a while where I felt truly lost in the sound and experience. It was incredible. I soaked up every moment of the concert like a sponge.

The lights weren't anything crazy or over the top, no special effects or choreography, nothing cheesy or over-produced, because none of it was needed. The music was enough. I loved it. 
And that lead singer of theirs? A natural. He just knows how it's done.

You know a band is good when they're better live than on their recording. 
In saying that, let me say this: 
Young the Giant is great.

You know what else is great?
Sharing it with some choice

1 comment:

  1. How did I miss this post! Ohhhhhhh so good! They move me beyond words!
