Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A surprising trend in European streetwear...

I have been baffled by many different public displays thus far in my time in Germany. These may include any of the many PDAs: Public Displays of Affection, Awkward-ness, Articulation, Air-bending, or Awesome-ness. (Yes, I may have just thought alternate options for the "A" in PDA, but look around you--you'll see that these options are truly realities.)

Short Vocabulary Lesson:

Public Display of Affection/Awkward-ness: Self-Explanatory

Public Display of Articulation: Someone purposely shows off their extensive vocabulary in a casual conversation in order to impress you. Sometimes can result in incorrect use of a word.

Public Display of Air-Bending: Just as bad as the movie, someone audibly breaks wind in a public area, causing a visible reaction...(Crinkled noses, hands over the face, scattering of crowds, etc.)

Public Display of Awesome-ness: When something happens in real life that you feel could, or should have been a scene in a movie.

After that outrageous tangent, here I finally reach the true point of this post. 

Ahem... I have been baffled by many different public displays thus far in my time in Germany. However, the public display that has confused me the most, and eeked its way into my wandering thoughts, is that of the manpris. Yes, you read me right. Manpris! They are everywhere, and on all ages. I'm not talking long shorts, I'm talking full-on, "check-out-my-ankles," manpris. When I see them, my brows instantly furrow as consideration sets in. "There is a man standing there. He is wearing capri pants. Those are manpris."

 Where are they coming from? 

What guy is purchasing these pantalones cortos and what girl is telling them that they look alright?

Why does this feel so wrong? 
Europe is supposed to exemplify the height of fashion, street-wear at its finest. Why then, oh why have resorted to this? Perhaps this is too much thought focusing on a matter so trivial as the clothing options in Germany. But after two weeks of seeing the streets of multiple cities dotted with such a visual, I've become concerned. 

Please, oh please, manpris. Do not reach your short little legs over to the men of America and entice them with your easy-breezy lifestyle. If you belong anywhere, it is here, among the Lederhosen.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

...and after careful consideration, a new blog is born!

I have been thinking about starting a blog for many months now. Because of recent changes in my life and location, I thought this would be a good place to keep people informed. However, I'm not quite sure what sort of blog this will morph into. I don't necessarily want to document everything I'm doing, but I did want a place where I could share my thoughts about... whatever I want. :) Movies, music, people, places, fads, fashions, actions and alliteration--You get the idea. Will this blog be boring? Perhaps. But that's a risk I'm willing to take.

The start of this blog was most recently put off because of my lack of inspiration when it came to a name. Do I try and be funny? Deep? Witty or clever? Instead of trying to reach any sort of creative standard, I just went with one of the first things I thought of. I don't know if my chosen title deserves any sort of acclamation, but it I'm happy with it. The full influence on my title came from a book written by Dr. Seuss entitled, "The Thinks You Can Think."

"...think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the things you can think if only you try!"

So here I am, thinking, and wanting to share my thinking with anyone who cares to read. I guess it's a way for me to know myself even better, as I attempt to share what goes on in this random brain of mine. Strange opinions, tendencies, likes or dislikes... everything's out on the table. Tune in.