Thursday, February 20, 2014

Vampire Weekend

Back on September 27, 2013, I saw Vampire Weekend perform with my dear friend Dave. I'll admit, I was exhausted and not in the best mood for a high-energy, put-a-little-pep-in-your-step concert. But, I'm glad I went, because it was really fun.

I have always liked Vampire Weekend. They employ an intense variety of rhythms, instruments, vocal techniques and beats to make up a pretty unique sound. Almost all of their tunes could easily cause you to break out into some spontaneous dance moves. (That's not really saying much coming from me, but you get the point.) Vampire Weekend is simply fun, and interesting; a great combination.

So, I was a little disappointed when I felt like their live performance was a little flat. It just wasn't as mind-blowing as I expected. Don't get me wrong--they sounded GREAT! But I think their showmanship suffers due to the complexity of their music.

I did love watching the bass player, though.
Those guys always know how to move. :)

I will continue to love Vampire Weekend, listen to their albums, and use them for dance combinations/work-out soundtracks. I still think they're great, and will recommend them to a friend looking from some new tunes. Will I pay money to see them perform live again? Not likely.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Young the Giant

Last week I had the opportunity to see Young the Giant perform. 
Not a mistake
Never a mistake.
Got that?

It was the first concert I've been to in a while where I felt truly lost in the sound and experience. It was incredible. I soaked up every moment of the concert like a sponge.

The lights weren't anything crazy or over the top, no special effects or choreography, nothing cheesy or over-produced, because none of it was needed. The music was enough. I loved it. 
And that lead singer of theirs? A natural. He just knows how it's done.

You know a band is good when they're better live than on their recording. 
In saying that, let me say this: 
Young the Giant is great.

You know what else is great?
Sharing it with some choice