Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Commuting Confessions

I drive a lot to work. A lot, I tell you. It's much more than some, and not as much as others. Either way, I get sick of it. However, this is the time when I get a lot of thinking done. Very little of it is productive, a lot of it is imaginative, and a bit of it is worrisome. Here are some examples... my "Commuting Confessions."

  • Sometimes there will be a car behind me consistently for miles and miles. If they're not riding my tail like an idiot, I start to like them there. They become a familiar sight in my rear-view mirror. It's like having a friend sharing the commuting pain. When they finally move over to exit or travel a little faster in their journey, I feel kind of sad inside. Abandoned. I don't like it.
  • I watch people in the cars around me when waiting at a traffic light, and think about different places they could be going, or where they are coming from. It's humbling to be reminded of  how many people are in the world. And they all have their own story! Truly mind-boggling.
  • I also like to pay attention to people when traffic is reeeeeaalllly slow. Like, inchworm slow. Sometimes they get really frustrated, to the point of yelling at themselves or banging on the steering wheel. I think that's hilarious. I laugh just thinking about it. Because what can you do? Sometimes you just need to roll down the windows and enjoy a slower pace.
  • Semi-trucks remind me of dinosaurs. When they brake, it sounds like some sort of screech/roar. It's true! Then I imagine there's a dinosaur right outside my car!! Now that would be a great story to tell once you got home from work. That is, if you ever made it home... I heard something on the radio the other day that day-dreaming while driving is more dangerous than texting while driving. In my case, this is accurate!
  • Too many people in AZ have personalized license plates. This may offend, but a personalized license plate is kind of lame. No, not kind of. It is lame. Unless it's like the one I saw this morning which said, "CHUMBCKT." I always appreciate an obscure SpongeBob Squarepants reference.
  • Commutes are much more bearable when you're singing to some great tunes. And you sound stupendous in the's amazing how powerful your voice can sound when the vibrations are bouncing right back at you as soon as they leave your mouth.
  • When singing isn't enough to entertain, then there's always syncing. When traffic is crawling, I often resort to lip-syncing. (You know lip-syncing: when you just mouth the words while giving them all the emotion in the world, and pretending you're in front of an audience.) It's always fun, even in a car by yourself. Here is a perfect, and hilarious example of lip-syncing by Jimmy Fallon and John Krasinski. They are both pros! ...And I like to think I'm just as good. :)
  • I love (when the weather/temperature permits) to drive with my sunroof open. When I'm on the freeway, it does great things to my hair. I love it because it feels like I'm getting a baby head massage. Is it worth the destruction of my hair-style? Definitely.

^^Thanks for reading my ramblings.

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